Monday, November 23, 2009

Post Op Appointment Tomorrow

I have my post op appointment tomorrow. I'm still having pains in my shoulder. I'll be glad when they are gone. I have been walking for an hour a day since I got out of the hospital. Maybe I can make that an everyday thing. Today I attended my brother in law's birthday party. They had a 12 layer cake. It looked sooooooo good. I was very strong, I just smelled it. Also went to the movies with my son today and he got nachos. I have had Movie nachos before and I know they are gross. I sat there listening to my son munch on those nachos and I wanted one so bad! Then he had to go to the bathroom and I had to hold them. I wanted to cry. I just kept thinking "these are GROSS, U don't want one" and sure enough it passed. The movie was great, the party was fun and I didn't have to eat anything. WooHoo, A Milestone.... I'm proud of myself. I don't think I have ever not cheated on a diet for this long. The next HUGE mountain to climb will be Thanksgiving. Keep me in your prayers.

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